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Where I'm From Poem

This project is kind of self explanatory. We wrote a poem about where we are from. It could be taken literally or metaphorically. Before we wrote our poems though, we did empathy interviews. Which is where we partnered up and interviewed our partner and asked them questions about their life. They only answered what they felt comfortable sharing. Then we gave the paper back to them to give them ideas of what to write about. When writing we made a lot of drafts. Majority of them were edited by our peers then the finals were edited by our teacher Nikki. While we were writing we also had to make a piece of art that correlated with our poem. 

My Poem: 

I am from the sunshine,

That’s as bright as the hope in kids eyes-

The hope for a better future than the ones before them.

I am from the kids who are as blinded by lights

Blind to the control they don’t have


I am from the people who think it’s their way or the highway

Options give you power

Power makes you feel in control

Like you’re as powerful as the president


I am from blonde hair and blue eyes

Parading as the norm

As if we’re in a high school movie and they are the cheerleaders with the jock boyfriends

Skinny, blonde, blue eyed, popular, “perfect”

I am not one of, nor do I ever want to be.

I chose a different path

I am from choices I create,

Freedom I work for,

and hope for a better future

My Art:  I used a photo of me from when I was five and put everything that I love and what makes me me above it

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