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Biology Honors

For Biology honors we had to come up with our own projects, we chose a topic we were interested in then made it into a project that would take 12 hours or more to complete. Everyone's was so different, from the evolution of giraffes to how experiments with cancer cells. My focus was the brain, my teacher stated during class that he knew the anatomy of the human body fairly well but not the brain, so I decided I wanted to study the brain. My idea was to make a model of the brain and then research everything that you could see without cutting into the brain, all the major lobes and their functions. That ended up changing throughout the project, I ended up doing that plus researching the history of neuroscience. I also ended up with two models of the brain, as you can see below I made a small one and that's the one I finished about halfway to the deadline. Then at the halfway check in my teacher asks if I can make a scale model for a skeleton in his class, and of course I say yes. So my total project consist of my research on 11 major sections of the brain, a brief seven page history on neuroscience, a hand held model of the brain, and a scale model of the brain. 

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