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Identity Project

The identity project is about how what you look like or if you are a person with a disability how it can be harder for you in life. How someone of color or a latina or latino is viewed. People use them as racial slurs and say that they are meant to clean or aren't worthy to get the same kind of jobs as whites. The same with women and men, how they make different pay checks for the same job or men don't think women are capable to do a certian job. When really we are all the same.

Solution Morgan Britt

Period: 1/2


Society only sees two genders, but we see and understand more (Our poster: 2016). Society always talks about how we should express ourselves and be who we are. Why does that all of that suddenly change when someone believes they are born in the wrong body, or they don’t feel happy as the gender that they were born with? People who are gender fluid should be respected and treated like everyone else.

Our poster states that some people actually question if people who are LGBT and more have it harder. 41% of people who are LGBT and even more have attempted suicide. 50%-54% are bullied at school; 50%-59% are harassed at work or treated lower than everyone else. 60% are refused to be treated by doctors. 64%-78% suffer from physical to sexual violence. (gender fluidity: 2014)  It’s not fair for them at all. Just because they are a little different or they are born with something, that doesn’t mean that people can treat them so harshly.

Just because they prefer something different doesn’t mean they should be treated differently. A lot of people think that they aren’t the same. So they think it is ok to hurt them. People don’t tend to think about how they affect someone if they don’t accept someone who is genderfluid, trans, etc. More groups should form like the LGBT program. Groups should form in local areas so people can go there to have their questions answered. Some groups should form and reach out to people exclusively.

Everyone should make it so that they are happy with or as themselves and make sure that they love the life they live. The key to loving is to be who you are and stand up for yourself. A lot of people don’t know but that’s the hardest and most important part. Getting the courage to stand up to people who can hurt you, but you chose to take away their power to hurt you. Then you just need to be yourself, I know it sounds easy but it’s really isn’t. Some people might not accept you but you just need to be able to accept yourself and appreciate yourself. Surround yourself by people that lift you up and who will support you. (What am I?: 2015)

The truth is that people who are LGBT and more are just like anyone else (Genderqueer, Genderflux, Genderfluid: 2014). It doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman, you can behave however you like. Everyone should be treated the same.

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